Kaya as a brand has a lot to offer for various skin concerns, especially for acne-prone skin. I wanted to try out a few of their products when the I spotted the Kaya Advance Acne Care System. This kit is expensive but was on sale, so I bought it.
Cost: INR 1890 (got it for 1350 on sale on Jabong. It is still on sale)
Kaya Advance Acne Care |
Cost: INR 1890 (got it for 1350 on sale on Jabong. It is still on sale)
Kaya Purifying Cleanser (100ml): This contains salicylic acid and its meant for oily and combination skin. It is a transparent colored gel which lathers a bit. It does clean my skin well and doesn't dry out the skin as mentioned. Salicylic acid is very important in your skin care if you suffer from acne. Garnier has a lot of face washes which have this ingredient and those products have never broken me out.
Kaya Purifying Toner(100ml): It comes in a spray bottle. It contains ingredients like Niacinamide and Mandelic acid which are great for acne. When I applied this on after the cleanser, the toner did smell like it has alcohol and does have a strong smell to it but evaporates after it dries off. But the toner is alcohol-free as claimed on the bottle. Also, it doesn't dry out the skin.
Kaya Spot Corrector Wand(8ml): This comes in a lipgloss type of a packaging which has a sponge tip applicator. The product is liquid in consistency almost like water. I am not sure if it is hygienic enough to apply the sponge tip directly on the acne and again dip it in the product since that can lead to more acne. The product is fast evaporating, so I cannot even take it on my hand and then apply. It contains zinc, salicylic acid and glycolic acid in it.
As soon as I applied it, I did feel a stinging sensation on my skin which lasted for 2-3 seconds. If you have sensitive skin apply this on a spot first to see how your skin reacts to it and then move forward.
It did dry my acne out in a few hours, so I feel this is perfect for an overnight solution.
Kaya Purifying Nourisher(50ml): This comes in a pump packaging. It looks very high end and spill proof. This is a milky colored lightweight gel type of cream. I have been searching everywhere for a non-comedogenic moisturizer for daily use. I am super excited to use this. It is fast absorbing and moisturizes well.
I have just started using all the products. I will update this post in a week to let you know further changes if any on my skin.
Update after 1 week: My skin does look good and pores are in control. My acne has shrunk in size considerably. Although my acne spots are still there, the acne is gone considerably. There was no irritation whatsoever on my skin.
Update after one month: I still got acne on my chin area due to hormonal reasons and they were huge. Also, I was off these products for a few days due to travel reasons. I did apply the Spot corrector which did help partly to dry them out but I had to use my acne gel to make them vanish. After the breakout, I got periods which cleared out most of the acne.
I still get 1-2 tiny acne here and there but nothing crazy.
Overall, I really love the face wash. I will definitely consider repurchasing. The spot corrector only dries out the acne, it doesn't heal it. If you have a huge acne, it will dry it out but gunk in that acne will ooze out and make it messy.
I was not disappointed by using this system nor was I blown away. It is a good system but my search for my holy grail skincare products still continues.
Beauty Grin Rating: 3.5/5
Beauty Grin Rating: 3.5/5
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